Tales From the Dark Side

Friday, July 30, 2004

When the going gets tough... the tough gets lower!

I can't believe how rotten my luck has gotten, and my mood to go along with it.
I don't even know where to start or what to focus on, I really have no attention span for it. Super scattered today. Speeding ticket outside Mildmay, problems with my paycheck and I get screwed when they correct the errors. Parking ticket after therapy, and I hate the way I look - as I keep gaining weight. I am very tired of being in pain and hate waking up unable to move...

I am not as tough as I make out to be and am supposed to be "self-affirming" daily - It doesn't work when you feel physically crappy... AAAHHHH!!!

The wedding bells post... that causes me a lot of anguish as I have so many issues about my own pending engagement...

Is this ever going to end...

But on the plus side...

Sarah M on the 20th (is Firefly still attending?)
Vacation in 4 more weeks.
And my sister is home for a couple of weeks.

Dragonfly 7/30/2004 08:56:00 PM | 0 people trying to cheer me up |