Tales From the Dark Side

Monday, January 17, 2005

Don't ya hate it when you wake up to ... crap...

My bloody insurance company called today. They finally got the second opinion report today and the jackass doctor said that I was capable of going back to work but not at my own job... I needed something less stressful, and to not have the responsibility of thousands of dollars. So they are sending a rehab consultant to meet with my doctor and myself to see about my going back to work... which is funny since I already want to go back regardless of when or how. (I get more money at work.) The funny thing that I never told Monique from the insurance company, the insurance and benefits liason at work says there really aren's any modified hours at work to accomodate me anyway!! At least there weren't when I was there last week!
I have until March 17th to get back to work on regular duties or I have to fill out more paper work bacause that's when Long-Term Disability takes over.

I guess I really want to get back to work so i can spen less time thinking and more time doing...
I want a normal life.
Dragonfly 1/17/2005 02:11:00 PM


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