Tales From the Dark Side

Thursday, February 17, 2005

I think I've taken on too much

I don't know if it's the pending move; or the return to work and everything that goes along with it; the packing; the going to Kincardine for the weekend; or the BF situation or the combination of it all but I feel like I just want to curl up in a ball and hide.

I am getting a lot of packing done (Boy I have a lot of stuff) I thought I was organized but the actual move date is getting closer and closer and I feel like I have so much to do. I have to go home this weekend (Dad's B-day and I should get him a gift but with what money). Mind you they are trying to get rid of stuff by giving it to me so I doubt they need anything...
I am living with the bare essentials, but anyone who knows me knows that is how I live my live 97% of the time anyway so there really isn't a difference... it just feels so CHAOTIC with all the boxes and I can't hise them.. there's too many now.

I think I'm down to the clothes, kitchen and the bathroom (but the bathroom is half done) and the computer... but the computer will be one of the last things, besides the TV and the bird.
The kitchen is easy since it is only two cupboards and the fridge/freezer and I am not shopping betwwen now and the move (except salads).

I'm starting to not like this though.

I want to have a nap!
Dragonfly 2/17/2005 03:38:00 PM


Not to bring up OLD news - but I never said I wanted a ring for my birthday. I had already decided that I would not say 'yes' to that question anyway.

You are right though.. I have probably packed to much and I am living in chaos... I am not living out of boxes - with the exception of the Q-tips I pulled out of the open box on the bathroom counter this morning... but next week is going to be busy.

I think it is more... getting everything ready for going back to work and moving at the same time...
I have uniforms on Tuesday, I still have to get my licence changed next week, moving starts on Friday. T.O. Rock game Friday night. J is coming down next weekend and the bird thinks he lives in a BOX playground!!!

And I was worried the insurance company was going to stop giving me disability checks - NO MONEY make CRAZY girl CRAZIER... but they called yesterday and all is fine.

I am looking forward to our RELAXING movie date Monday. In the meantime, I have Christmas with Robyn and my Dad's 60th B-day!See you!
Have a nice nap.? Depending upon when your read this comment.
It is funny... I say I want to have a nap quite often and I very rarely do...

If I had to guess... of every 100 times I say I want a map I may lie down once. I may unintentionally fall asleep on the couch for 10 - 30 minutes once a month. I don't nap... I guess it is just my pesonally phrase for wanting to run away and hide.

So, Vegas... I am going to say... No... I didn't have a good nap... didn't sleep at all! But thanks for asking!

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