Tales From the Dark Side

Monday, March 21, 2005

Random Senselessness.

I hate being in a positive mood when negativity is constantly trying to strike me down... the fight is exhausting.

Work is tearing me apart, the sad thing is I fought to return.

I am fighting now for a 15 minute break duing my 4 hour shift. The sad thing is 15 minutes isn't enough and the bosses want to take it away. If they do I am prepared to call the doctor and get a NOTE insisting on a 15 minute break every 45 minutes that I am working... that will show them for playing hard ball.

I am not used to standing for extended periods of time... my low back hurts again.

Where have all my internet friends gone? There comments get fewer and fewer.

One day I will follow the path of MooCow as I am running out of things to say and my schedule will become to busy to 'play' on-line. I have other interests. It is just a matter of when.

I adore having a cat - the only downside is that she is in heat, but she is absolutely adorable and I cannot believe how much I missed the antics of the crazy little animals.
(Bird rocks too!)

This is the first house I have lived in that I have wanted to paint... making me believe that this is home and I want to stay.
The repairs are being completed and things are falling into place. I have many purchases to make but all will come together in time.

George has a feather on his beak from preening and looks silly:)

My mind is racing yet I have nothing to say.
Dragonfly 3/21/2005 03:14:00 PM


Hey! I will always leave a comment for you.

I forget, did you go back to work on a limited basis or was it a full schedule? If full, I can see why you would need a break during the four hours. In the States that is actualy mandatory.

Why not get your cat's nether regions taken care of? No worries then.

Tell George to keep on making you smile!

Hope I have not missed too many posts without comments, I did not think that I missed any.
Thanks Vegas...
It wasn't necessarily you I was refering to when I posted about my internet friends. I do have others (or so I thought.) You are a reliable comment buddy, thank you.

The cat... I am saving to get her nether regions taken care of... frankly I think it was my BF that set her off this week... too much testosterone in the house.

George never ceases to make me smile. He also makes me yell... we have contests... I win!

I am back to work part-time but working my way to full time hours and right now at 4 hour shifts and as far as I knew it was mandatory for a 15 minute break here as well... I think my manager is on crack... but I have people on it! AND I will not go down without a fight!

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