Tales From the Dark Side

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

The Unfairness of it all.

I feel like a whining 5 year old, fighting back the tearrs, trying to be the big girl I know I am just because things aren't going my way. Also fighting the desire to go hide in my room and play with my dolls (I don't have dolls anymore but YOu know what I mean.)

Today was the worst day yet.
There was talk about my breaks and the only way I get one is if I stay 15 minutes later than the 4 hours alloted by the Dr's note.
So I guess I am going to see my Dr ASAP and get a new note. The stupid thing is the Shift Manager I saw today agrees that this is a stupid rule and that I should be entitled to that break as 4 hours is a long time, especially when I am coming off of a leave. He doesn't understand why there has become an issue. He told me that as long as I leave after one minute after he considers that 15 minutes (as per department policy) and I could go...
BUT that is him not the guy that made the big fuss.

I still want to hide and cry and fight and scream and ... well, to be perfectly honest. If I see the shift that started this, outside on the street, there might accidentily be a smacking... of course I would never do that. I wish I was the type of person who could. I can't believe this is pissing me off so much.

I am pysically and emotionally drained and it is making the return to work unpleasant.
Tomorrow I would like to do nothing.
Nothing at all.
Dragonfly 3/22/2005 06:11:00 PM


All I can say is... Hang in there. It will all get better. Sometimes these things just take time. Rome was not built in a day. A bird in the hand is worth more than two in the bush. A watched pot never boils. This too shall pass. And...

Fuck, fuck, fuck the po-lice.

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