Tales From the Dark Side

Monday, May 23, 2005


What the..?

it isn't that I had a bad weekend.
It was really good. I had a blast with R. Got lots of cleaning done.
But sleeping on the couch - well - it sucks.

So I am tired, physically sore and achy.
Work was insanely busy for the last 2 days and I am EXHAUSTED...
Firefly changed my blog
Which is cool, but my comments are hiding... (what the..?) I really like Dischord too, by the way.

The stupid cat is in heat and won't leave me alone, it like punishment for leaving her home this weekend, BC was great, kept her company and stuff, but she's busy too...
The bird just want to play and I just want to go to bed.

Hopefully I will feel better after something to eat and a 10 hour nap...
Dragonfly 5/23/2005 08:16:00 PM


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