Tales From the Dark Side

Friday, May 06, 2005

Well, I was having a great day... and then 'he' called.

It isn't as though I didn't know the phone wasn't going to ring eventually. It's more what he said, or should I say - what he didn't say...

There was no talk of the letter, no "fight" for us. Just acceptance and chatting as if we were old friends just catching up.

Apparently his friends and family are sad that we are no longer together and he tlod them that if we are meant to be, then we will be. Yet, he is making absolutley no effort... although he may think it too soon. (I know he has no chance, but today, at this moment, I am bitter... OK!!!)

I was very upset after getting off the phone, it was the first time I really cried and I think it was knowing that he had accepted the break-up and wasn't going to fight for us... I had really wanted him too. Once again, he broke his word. He isn't coming to see me, we aren't going to talk this week about what I wrote in the letter... he is going out with the guys... and he doesn't want to leave my things outside on Monday so I can get them while I am in Toronto for a Dr's appt. But he wants to see me sometime.

Instead of taking my frustration and anger out the way I usually do (eating and watching TV) I cleaned out the laundry room and the garage... now I am physically exhausted and my back hurts and I feel like crying because I ache... I think it's 2 advil then bed... But I just needed to write and share all at the same time. Thanks for listening everybody!

On a positive note... (I know - wrong blog - sue me!) My mother is moving in July and 'he' did say he would help me to move her because "we are still friends and he is a nice guy." I am not lying those were his exact words. And he ended the conversation by telling me to call him when I had some free time. The boy is strange.
Dragonfly 5/06/2005 09:02:00 PM


That's a funny picture.

I know you are in a difficult position with this... sorry. I know if I really need you, you will be here for me, same as always.

The thing is I really might need him for my Mom's move unless you have a secret stash of men to help carry heavy furniture down 3 flights of narrow stairs... because I sure don't (except for him). I hope I can get some other help - like my brother and my cousins hubby... but as their wives are both pregnant I don't know if they can be spared for the day - my brother would be 2 days... this could be crazy.

As for my stuff, thanks for the offer. I may take you up on that. He asked if I need it and I did say no - but I may call him and say I do and ask him to drop it off with you... the front desk... no problem! Thanks hun!

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