Tales From the Dark Side

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

The Thing You do For Love

I am a horrible person.
But I know I am not.
I took my poor innocent (ya right) little cat to the vets this morning and asked then to render her infertile.
No kittens for Shadow.

But she was shaking like a leaf.
Scared and nervous as I left her there.

Now I have to sleep alone tonight.
That sucks.

I even took tomorrow off work so I can be with her.

All this for a cat.

Could you imagine what I would be like if I had kids... ohmygod!
Dragonfly 6/14/2005 09:03:00 PM


I had to the same for Brodie. Of course he did not care at all. I handed him over to the Vet Tech and away he went just as happy as he could be. That dog would go off with anyone.

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