Tales From the Dark Side

Monday, July 18, 2005

Just this once

I'd like to sleep uninterrupted...
I'd like not to want to cry at the drop of a hat.
I'd like to be alert the whole day at work.
I'd like to not be yawning an hour into my 8 hour shift.
I'd like to get a massage from one of the guys who jokingly offer one. (bastards, teasing me like that!)
I'd like to not want to kill every person who asks me what a twoonie is... is effing money!!! SPEND IT! seriously how stupid are these people?
I'd like to smack the next person who asks me if I'm alright. (as clearly today, I am not)
I'd like to go to bed, get the right amount of sleep and not wake up exhausted...
Just this once.
Dragonfly 7/18/2005 09:43:00 PM


Hey, you alright?

I like it ruff, so it's okay to smack me.

Just keep swimming......
VG: consider yourself smacked...
but I don't really feel better.

I still need sleep.
Uninterrupted sleep.
That is why I am so bitter.

Sleep is good and I am not getting the right kind.
I will survive though.

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