Tales From the Dark Side

Friday, July 15, 2005

Nightmares and Dreamscapes

When I was a little kid, I used to have nightmares whenever I got into trouble. Unfortunately that was quite often and it usually had something to do with my brother and hitting, punching, or missing curfew...

Now I have nightmares whenever I percieve that someone is angry with me, or that I have severely upset someone. Which is probably why I am overly nice to people that don't deserve it. No one likes nightmares and with an imagination like mine I have the most effed up dreams EVER!!

Needless to say, after my latest bout of Foot in Mouth disease I am completely exhausted.

I have been fighting with my low mood for a couple of weeks and have had a couple of bad dreams so I have been staying up later than usual in an attempt to really tire myself out and not be reliant on the "sleeping" medication (Yup. There is someone else I have managed to tick off and that person is no longer speaking to me, this bothers me a lot and I dwell on it constantly.) And yesterday I did it again.

Last night in an effort to avoid the nightmares I decided it would be FUN to see how long I could stay awake and therefore not have dreams at all...
A well thought out plan, if you ask me. (really?and what colour is the sky in your world DF? Sky Magneta. God, I loved that colour crayola.. they took it away you know... anyway I digress.)

Stay awake until the point of exhaustion, pass out, have no dreams... then wake up early and go to therapy...but now I have spent the rest of the day fighting of tears and a headache because I am SO BLOODY TIRED...

I think tonight I will take a frickin pill and go to bed early. Punish myself... stupidest plan I ever created.
Dragonfly 7/15/2005 07:55:00 PM


I hope you sleep well. I know what you are talking about, I've had a bad week too.
Sorry to hear that. Yeah, staying up as late as possible is never a good idea when one has to get up the next day. Oh, can you send me some of those pills...thanks.
I ended up taking y pills, then reading for 2 hours... how dumb am I...
but I did get 8 hours of pure, uninterrupted sleep and feel much better today.

Thanks for the advice though.
AND VG the pills are being sent as we speak...
where do I address them

Vegas' house.
Vegas NV
i am the same way. its a guilt thing, and an acceptance thing. even though i think i have it all figured out i still cant frickin sleep.

let me tell you about foot in mouth. i was sleepin with this guy(on the downlow) i started to have feelings for him and needed a fiend to talk to so i did. well her b/f is his best friend and she wasnt out the door 5 minutes and told him what i said and then told him i showed her the pictuers that he sent me of himself. he wont talk to me now and he has even blocked me fom his email. all i did was confide in what i thought was a friend and i lost a really fantastic lover. i didnt sleep for a week after that happened. i still think about it everyday.
LRDQ: Mine isn't quite that dramatic a story but a story nonetheless.
It is incredible the power our friends have over our emotions isn't it.
Thanks for stopping in.

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