Tales From the Dark Side

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Somewhere in Dreamland

The problem lies within me.
I hold it tightly there.
Deep within my soul.

The mind is a terrible thing to waste and a very powerful tool.
Neglecting it is not recommended.
Forgetting it's power can be harmful to the user and those the user comes in contact with.

Why didn't they mention that in the users manual?
What? you didn't get a user's manual? Surprisingly enough, neither did I!

I realize that my sleep deprivation pratter is getting a little annoying as it is al I have mentioned on this blog of late... but I am a little annoyed by it also.

Today I had a revelation.
I am being held hostage.
And am forcing myself to not be myself as a result.
I tried to do a good deed and it backfired, as sometimes happens.
As a result, I feel guilty.
I got myself in trouble and now I am paying the price and punishing myself.
I have to stop this and I am praying that the realization of this will ease my sleep problem.

I appreciate the help and kind words of everyone who has commented lately.
You are all awesome.

And this ends todays lack of sleep whining moment.
Which actually wasn't that bad.
Dragonfly 7/20/2005 09:15:00 PM


Welcome. *hug*
I feel for ya kid. That's no good.
I thought about you when I posted the lyrics of a song called "Fix You". It's by Coldplay. You might look up the words yourself, or visit my blog and see it there. I hope things get better for you. I have been having trouble sleeping too for the past couple of days. It sucks. Mind racing, yet all you really want is some rest. Sucks. I really don't know what to tell you to do, but I will say that you have been in my thoughts.
VG: right back at you! *hugs* I should send you another one for smacking you the other day, but that was invited... hehehe... oh what the heck... I lurves you... *hugs*

Moo: Thanks. I'm feeling better. so have a *hug* too. I don't care if you don't like them... take it.

evercurious: Thanks for the thoughts. I will definitely checkout that coldplay track. And thanks for stopping by. I'll come visit you later. It's been a long day.

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