Tales From the Dark Side

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Somewhere Over the Ocean

She sits in her seat. Maybe she's watching the in-flight movie. Maybe she's reading Harry Potter (she had to wait until now to read it) or Maybe she's taking a much needed nap.

But she's not here.
And I keep crying.

I didn't have to go to work today after all. For that I am greatful.
Last night's concert was a welcome escape (I went into a hypo-manic psycho-obsessive crazy fan at the mere thought of HIM!!! and FF laughed at me for 4 hours but it was great!!! I even got his autograph AGAIN!!! WHOOHOO!!! and I touched his arm!!!! (not a fake *touch* like MooCow gets but a real life touch... it was AWESOME!!!) *sigh*

Then I got home and thought about where she was and if she is OK... Today I am tired, teary and alone.

Even my little critters won't leave my side but they give me no solace...
I am trying to think positive, I know the routine...
I know how this works.
I just need to let it all out today.

I haven't really done it until now.
There's been too much to do.
Dragonfly 9/04/2005 01:57:00 PM


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