Tales From the Dark Side

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

A Sense of Decency

People should have a license to leave their house. They should be required to take a written test then pass a 'road' test every 2 years following just to ensure they are up to code. If not for the the sake of the rest of humanity, but for their own personal hygiene.

deodorant should not be optional. Regardless of what nation you are from, how old you are now, or the size of boil growing on your armpit there is a spray, roll-on, natural crystal, or stick that WILL work a thousand times better than the nothing that you are using at this particular moment. AND showering daily, will not harm you in any way. In fact it should be mandatory for anyone with an odor problem such as yourself.
The fact that I can smell you from 3 feet away and your odor will linger for the next 5 minutes is indicative of the fact that you have a stench that is offensive to the rest of society. Why has no one said anything to you about this? People in my workplace have been reprimanded for smelling less offensive than you, yet you're allowed in here. The Fashion Police should be replaced by the Hygiene Police.

And what do people have against the dentist. I agree it can be unpleasant. Yet... Do I need to look at the blackness that are your teeth. AND oh my GOD... The putresence that is the fetidness emanating from your mouth. I can smell it as you breath. PLEASE don't talk to me. It makes me want to vomit, uncontrollably for the next 2 days. Then floss continuously for the REST OF MY LIFE. I seriously doubt that listerine can save you now. And if you are lucky the hygenist can clean your teeth, save them and send you one your way. But please, apologize to her for infecting her office for your ghastly smell.

I look at these people and wonder how they have managed to meet someone, get married, have kids. And yet I am single. I shower. I brush, I floss, I rinse. Seriously what am I doing wrong!?! If I start on-line dating that will be in my about me section... I am clean - smell good!!! But I digress...

Working with the public, sometimes you don't see too many of the odorous types. Lately they are out in droves... showing up in packs... I think they should be rounded up. Placed in one small enclosed room and left there to suffer their own putrescence. Naturally, they will be unable to smell it (as they are immune to their own stench) so a skunk will be thrown in for good measure (poor skunky)... If that doesn't teach them... I got nothing...
Dragonfly 10/05/2005 07:51:00 PM


lemme guess...you had to go to Walmart? :-)
FF: oh my - I dread the day that scratch and sniff computers become reality... that will suck...

nad no Paige... it is work - they come into work reaking of life and all it's glory... they go out in public and they smell very very badly.... I don't understand...

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