Tales From the Dark Side

Monday, February 27, 2006

The Meaning of Life

I was thinking
a dangerous thing
I want to know how many people I can piss off in one day
I think I can piss off most of the people I know in a matter of hours quite easily.
Mostly because I am in a bitter mood.

My throat is getting better
My allergies are EXTREMELY bad - either that, or I have a cold and I can't take anything for it as I have an appointment with the Allergist next week and can't take anything containing anti-histamines. Which means I have to suffer. I hate being stuffed up and constantly blowing and sneezing.
I haven't worked out since Monday and my mood is suffering... I am bitter and angry and my tummy is upset. I should go tonight... I should go now.
I meet with a personal trainer tomorrow and it will suck not having worked out for a whole week.
And I haven't been eating right... so my stomach has been screaming for the last couple of days. It's almost like I have fallen off my own wagon... And my health is suffering. I feel like crap, I know I am just getting over a throat infection, but that isn't the best excuse over.

I am my own worst enemy and it seems everyone I know had better beware or they may have to feel my wrath.

give me some breathing space,
a day without sneezing and stuffiness
a day without itchy skin and a rash (I didn't mention that before did I? sorry!)
And a good nights sleep.

Then I might be nice.
For now,
Leave me the hell alone
Or be prepared to be growled at for no reason at all.
Dragonfly 2/27/2006 08:25:00 PM


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