Tales From the Dark Side

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Creative Insight

I was scanning through my blog list last night... And came across a post that has since made me think.

It was about writing, especially with pen and paper.
I commented that I do that.
Yet, lately, in this depressive, and down-trodden mood that I have been in, I realize that I have barely been writing at all.
Not on any of my blogs (even the one that may or may not exist), my journal (yup - the pen and paper one) or the Chaos theory ones... Which have yet to be renamed or re-formatted.

I realize that I have been neglecting myself. I am keeping myself in this state, simply by refusing to do any of the coping techniques that I have been taught or preach to others...
I know I feel better when I write. I know I need to release the stress, anxiety and fears that are plaguing me.
Yet, here I sit, day after day, week after week, for the last 2 months, wallowing in my own self-pity, because... Well, because that is what depression does. It makes me not want to look after myself.

I go into self-destruction mode.
It has taken me 2 months - or longer - to figure it out... And now I need to remember how to look after myself again.
So thanks Domnall... for the reminder. It was subtle, but it was there.

and no... I'm not better, I'm still gonna need a kick in the ass... It's all relative.
The fight goes on... But at least I'm fighting now, instead of watching from the sidelines.
Dragonfly 9/26/2006 01:27:00 PM


Glad I could be of some help. Now get out there and win the battle!

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