Tales From the Dark Side

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Shit in Fan = Stink

I never blog about work.
Unless it directly affects my mood, my stress level and my daily mindset.

Needless to say... I'm blogging about work.
Because the Shit is hitting the fan.

Basically - a business if there to make money. When the profits are down, the business has to change the way it is run - and people either lose jobs or there is a restructuring.

48 cashiers in my department no longer have cashier jobs. Some of these people have been in my department for 6 and a half years, and are full-time employees, there are 2 departments that have been eliminated... all in all 148 jobs have been displaced. There are other jobs that they can pick from in the company... but it is still scary and crazy. They can also accept a buy-out and leave the company. These are friends and people I care about.

This impacts me directly simply because... there are now no bodies to fill the spaces left buy the cashiers that were "displaced". So I will be forced to move to another shift... Or I can leave my job too (without the buyout or the option of another job.)

I have no qualms about helping out.. I understand that these changes need to be done. IT is the way that they are going about making these adjustments that is aggravating and adding stress. It is NOT voluntary, it is a forced situation. I am taking a night class and I would like t o go to it. I just HOPE that I will have Wednesday nights off so I can go.
All these changes start as of MONDAY the 18th.. and they haven't even made an official notice yet.

A couple of my best friends are affected by this.
I don't want them to go, or change departments.
I hate this.
Dragonfly 9/13/2006 10:40:00 AM


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