Tales From the Dark Side

Friday, December 08, 2006

Day 8 - The panic kicks in

I have been doing this cleanse all along knowing that I would be on it for 10 days. Then this morning, I had the most horrible thought: What if I am not "finished" with cleansing on Sunday? How many more days am I really going to have to do?
It is a scary situation for me. As much as I am glad I am on this "cleanse" and am proud of myself for sticking it out his long... I am ready for the consumption of something else. Frankly, it isn't enjoyable anymore. My body is achy... I know that is an expected effect of the cleanse - but I just don't like it. It isn't as bad as having the flu but it still sucks. I was lucky enough to get a massage from a friend last night... The effects were short lived though.

Please let this cleanse be finished by Monday... Sunday is the "last" day... I just hope that it really is finished. The book is so detailed on what to look for and what would happen, and so far it has been right. I would like the "you're done" signs to start showing themselves. Cause - I am done... Unfortunately, my body isn't.
Dragonfly 12/08/2006 10:38:00 AM


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