Tales From the Dark Side

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Day 9

And I just don't think I am done.
Tomorrow is the last day - unless the coating on my tongue hasn't gone away, or the flushes aren't "clear". I am absolutely annoyed with this... Yet, knowing that the benefits outweigh my annoyance.

I could make a list of the foods I want to eat - but it just seems wrong.
Yesterday I went out and restocked my cupboards... All those non-perishable foods that I haven't picked up in ages.
I admit I picked up some "junk" food, but it's put away where I might forget about it in the next week or so.

The veggie soup is exactly what I want... I couldn't pick those up yet though. I have no idea when I get my soup. Maybe Tuesday... Maybe later in the week.

My mood isn't any better. The depression is strong and at the forefront. I write everyday. I worry everyday. I cry everyday. Yet I keep on going... I refuse to give up (even though I really want to). Everyday is a different and new day... I think that's why I don't want to do the cleanse anymore - it is the same thing day in day out.
Dragonfly 12/09/2006 09:58:00 AM


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