Sunday, August 08, 2010
i miss being alone. i love R. i really do. My heart aches for him and his embrace. I am enjoying spending time with him, learning about him and learning about myself. I am learning that i need my alone time. that for me to maintain the semblance of being human i need to be alone, reflect and just be me. I am allowing myself to be led through life by him. My schedule and needs are put think it's more lack of sleep and holding back too many emotions. and i have many. this shit with my liver isn't helping either. and i don't want to restart the medication before finding out if my liver is fucked up... my liver is necessary for processing the stupid meds. i can handle the mood... the sad, annoyed, happy, giddy, silly, angry. i just can't handle the anxiety.
Dragonfly 8/08/2010 11:42:00 AM