Tales From the Dark Side

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

is this all their is?

I feel like I am losing myself again.
Lack of sleep, midnight shifts and the stress of this relationship is more than I can bear.
I am emotional, so I cry.
I am frightened, so I shut down.
I am angry, so I over-react.
I am confused, so I ask questions that go unanswered... because I ask them of myself and not the person with the answers.
I have insights, and I can't express them... the words get lost because I am exhausted, emotional, and angry.

I am lost, and I know exactly what's going on.
I just know that everytime I make a major decision, like the one I am facing, I chose the wrong one. My instincts tell me that this is the wrong decision, and its not my call.
Dragonfly 3/11/2015 12:30:00 PM


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