Tales From the Dark Side

Monday, August 31, 2015

Three Months... really

The longest 3 months of my life.

Ok... that may be an exaggeration... I have most definitley been through worse, but the realization that it has been 3 motnths is heartbreaking... all over again.

In 3 months I have managed to survive without him... seeeing him only a handful of times, he has broken my heart over and over again...

and  he has broken promises... one in particular.

The biggest problem with a broken promise is that you question every other promise that has been made...
Has he cancelled the costco card too?
Is he really going to pay my car insurance? What happens if he doesn't?
Will he help me?

He said he would, and now he has ended all contact, saying I betrayed his trust by going to the lawyer... what else did I do to end this??

And why do I feel so alone? Abandoned?

3 months... its official. 
And I'm still heartbroken.
Dragonfly 8/31/2015 12:43:00 PM


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