Tales From the Dark Side

Sunday, December 27, 2015

The Inevitability of Death

Its hard to think about it, harder to imagine it at all, the truth of the situation.

My Dad is dying. It is a conscious act now, stopping treatments, looking for hospice, the decision to go into a palliative coma until his poor, tired organs cease to function. He has fought for 2 years, and I barely saw him, my father and I were not the best communicators, he never could figure out how to engage me, and I was always terrified of him. My sister had everything under control, as she does now, I was no help… just as I will be no help now. But I go because soon, he won't be there for me to try to feed. Its not that I am not expecting it, its always been going to happen. Its that this time we have a general idea of when…

I wish he could go out with a bang… enjoying his last party, drinking too much, laughing until his sides hurt, dancing with the woman he loves… I wish there were more pictures of the good times.
Its too late for that, there is no more time.

My father is dying. It is not even a choice. It is inevitable.
Dragonfly 12/27/2015 10:55:00 AM


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