Tales From the Dark Side

Thursday, April 26, 2007

A Tale from the Land of STOOPID!

Sometimes we all do things simply because of the desired consequences. Like eating more fibre... you know what the effect is.

Well.. my stomach has been ... well ... brutal. Bloated, painful, the essence of IBS that I am periodically plagued with.
I am eating my veggie soup, and my oatmeal with extra fibre in the morning... but it just gets worse and worse.
So yesterday I did the one thing that actually makes my stomach feel 100% better.
I had some freshly brewed coffee.
Unfortunately it wasn't decaf, and I had 3 cups.
Needless to say it was after 6am when I finally fell asleep... and I woke up at 10am.
I have an exam to study for and I know if I take a nap I will not sleep tonight.

The problem... so tired I can't think... in english - let alone in french!

And - I may be on a leave of absence from work, but it seems the convenience of being off is very quickly filling my calender.
I am taking off for 2 and a half weeks to babysit my brother and my nieces, while my sis-in-law is in Italy.
I agreed to have a friend stay here for a night (with her son) then drive them and all their crap to the airport the next day. The good thing is it's an official move and she isn't coming back!
Then - another friend asked my to housesit in June while she is on vacation - which I think is at the same time I have been asked to help with the dog who lives upstairs cause my landlady is going for surgery and the "baby" needs its medicine.
Plus I want to go to Montreal to see family and practice my french skills... and everyone wants me to go to Kincardine to see them as I haven't been home in FOREVER!

This isn't stressing me out... it's just a lot.

I am also curious as to how much of this would be going on if I wasn't on leave.

Oh - and I have 2 Dr's appointments on Tuesday - both "psychological" and emotionally draining, then 2 the week after...

I think my brain might explode.
I just have to remember - one day at a time and I will survive.

God - I hope they don't force me back to work in June... I'll be screwed!

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Dragonfly 4/26/2007 01:29:00 PM


Yikes! Sounds like my life, only it's Work, Working Out, and Sleeping for maybe 4 hours before getting up and doing it all over again!
Um, I had a kid. I feel the "just a lot" thing myself. Hang in there.
Come visit me. That way you wont be around for people to ask you to do things.

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